Daily Vitamina

"Healthy Foods" That Are Making You Fat

You workout, you try to eat healthy, but you still can’t lose weight. What’s the problem? Most dietitians will tell you that what you eat is half the battle when it comes to losing weight. In fact, there are many foods that get away with being labeled healthy, but they’re really not.

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Avocados are a popular veggie in the Latino community because of the infamous guacamole. It’s also been categorized a super food because it’s full of good fats, antioxidants and nutrients. Yet, a small bowl of guacamole can have as many as 350 calories. One serving size, which is a fifth part of an avocado is 50 calories.

Trail Mix

People love eating trail mix as a healthy snack, but be careful about the type of trail mix that you eat. Dried fruit can contain tons of sugar. If you eat trail mix for the nuts, a healthier option would be to buy a bag of almonds. A quarter cup is 132 calories and be sure you choose one that is low sodium or simple those that are roasted or toasted.

Smoothies & Juicing

Juicing and smoothies are very popular among those that want to lose weight. They tend to pack them in with fruits, protein powder and vegetables, which may seem like a healthy option, but unless you’re doing them at home, you don’t know what’s going in them. Many of these “healthy drinks” include high calorie sweet fruits, like orange juice, bananas and yogurt with so much sugar, that are doing more damage than good. Make your own smoothies and try using vegetables and fruits that don’t have that much sugar and incorporate herbs that will give it more flavor.

Veggie Burgers

Who doesn’t love a good veggie burger? These burgers can be packed with vegetables, but they can also be packed with fillers that allow the burger to stick together, such as breadcrumbs and additives that keep them in the freezer longer. You can easily add on the calories by going crazy with the toppings, such as cheese, ketchup and mayo. Take it easy on the toppings and make sure you know what’s actually going on the inside.

Soup & Salad

These have always been a great option for lunch and those that choose this combo are often surprised to find out that they could be doing more harm than good. Be careful on the dressings and the toppings for your salad, these can have a lot of calories and not that many nutrients. The same thing goes for the soup, especially if it comes in a can. It can have a lot of salt and be filled with additives that are not good for you.

One of the best things you could do for your own health is learn how to cook. Many times when we eat out, we might think we’re eating healthy, but in reality we don’t know what’s going in our food. When preparing your own food, plan accordingly. There are ways to eat less salt and less sugar by doing your research ahead of time. Buy low-sodium dressings or fruits and vegetables that have more nutrients than they do sugars and salts. Make sure that you eat protein to stay fuller longer, especially when you’re working out. The small steps you take in preparing your own food could make a difference in the scale.

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