In an interview with Shape Magazine, Anna Kaiser explains that Shakira likes variety in her workouts. She loves to mix it up and play tennis, squash, paddle boarding, ballet, barre exercises, kickboxing, hip-hop, sports training and pilates. When it comes to getting in shape after pregnancy, the trainer explained: “It’s important to work slowly and intelligently in your strength work before revving up the intensity. Start with deep diaphragmatic breathing to reengage and reconnect with your abdominals. Cardio should remain low-impact at first. You can gradually kick up the intensity. Interval training is a great way to incorporate short bouts of strength and cardio efficiently too (moms have small windows of time!). You can even integrate yoga poses between intervals to get more out of one session.”
Check out this awesome 10 minute ab workout with Shakira’s trainer, Anna Kaiser:
Now this video for your butt and total workout.