There’s nothing worse than feeling bloated or look swollen at the end of the day. For most people changing your diet and lifestyle could drastically diminish the way your body retains water. Making simple changes can help you live a healthier life and even prevent you from developing a more serious condition.
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One of the biggest reasons for water retention is eating too much salt. People who eat large amounts of processed foods, especially fast food or junk food suffer from retaining water the most. This puts a strain on your kidneys, which have to filter all of that sodium from your blood. When you eat an unhealthy diet, you are preventing your body from getting the nutrients it needs. Things like vitamins that you get from fruits and vegetables as well as proteins trigger water retention. A low carb and high protein diet helps your kidneys, which are the ones that control the amount of water in our bodies.
Many of us take exercise for granted, but there have been several studies that prove how important is to our health. It’s important to keep moving because exercise is one of your best defenses against water retention. Many times our work forces us to live a sedentary lifestyle, keeping us glued to our desks or standing up for long hours and this puts a strain on our bodies. When you exercise, you feel great, you feel energized and this is because you are working from the inside out. You are helping your veins carry back waste products and pump up blood to the heart, which in turn cleans your blood with the help of your other organs, pushing waste out the door through your bladder. When you don’t exercise, your body lets you know you’re retaining water, your legs and hands can get swollen, as well as your stomach, not to mention that it can cause you to gain weight.
There are various diseases that can cause water retention. Many times, common things like high blood pressure, allergic reactions or other diseases can also cause you to retain water. Several medications that include steroids like contraceptives and high blood pressure medicine can interfere with the natural process of fluid removal from our bodies. A hormonal imbalance like thyroid problem, pregnant women, menopause and women with PMS could also cause you to retain water.
Many times it’s almost impossible to get rid of excess liquid from our bodies due to these health conditions, but when you live a healthy lifestyle, it can definitely be avoided. In addition there are some foods that can help get rid of that extra liquid, such as: carrots, onions, spices, tomatoes, dandelion root, garlic, melon, and tuna. If you’ve tried everything and you feel the same, make sure you visit your doctor so that he could best diagnose if there’s an underlying problem.