Daily Vitamina

Why Are Intense Workouts Sending People To The Hospital?

HIIT workouts or high-intensity interval training workouts are on the rise because they help burn tons of calories in a limited amount of time. They are quickly gaining popularity and a lot of fun because they make you use your entire body, but some athletes are overdoing it and are ending up at the hospital.

What is Rhabdomyolysis?

Rhabdomyolysis is the breakdown of muscle which leads to the release of a harmful protein into the bloodstream. When your muscles break down and experience trauma, they release myoglobin, which is a protein that can poison your kidneys when it reaches your bloodstream.

People practicing strenuous exercises like spinning, P90X, CrossFit, weightlifting, and running have ended up at the hospital because they overdo it. Usually, patients end up at the hospital because they experience excruciating pain, they can’t walk or even get out of bed because their muscles don’t work.

Once they get to the hospital the patient is given fluids to rehydrate and to remove the toxins from their kidneys. Patients can also have compartment syndrome, which is when muscles swell and are unable to expand, which often requires surgery to release the pressure from the muscles. In worst-case scenarios, the kidneys may shut down and the patient could end up with kidney failure when they have an overload of potassium in the body. This could even lead to an abnormal heart rhythm and death.

How To Prevent Rhabdomyolysis?

Working out is important to lead a healthy lifestyle and while there are many workouts that promise burning lots of calories, it’s important to not overexert yourself. Usually, those that get this condition are people who work out too hard especially those that do extreme exercises that often push their limits. To avoid getting rhabdomyolysis make sure you exercise slow and gradual, especially when starting a new workout. Keeping hydrated is key since many of these fitness programs can make you burn hundreds of calories in an hour, which dehydrate you if you don’t drink plenty but if you’re not conditioned to work out this hard, then it can send your body into shock and lead to this condition.


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