Daily Vitamina

Kettlebell Workouts That Shred Ab Fat

squat with kettlebell

The spring is here and the summer is only weeks away, which means you get to bare more skin. Lifting weights is a great way to tone your arms and legs, but did you know that by using a kettlebell, you can also tone your midsection? It helps sculpt, strengthen and gets your abs bikini ready in no time.

One arm lift from a squat position

This position is a calorie guzzler since it burns as many as 20 calories per minute, that’s as much as a six-minute run! From a quarter-squat position, work the kettlebell from the floor and raise it over your head as you are squatting. Do as many as you can for an entire minute. Make sure you engage your back, butt, hamstrings, and calves. This works your chest, shoulders, arms, and abs.

Sit and press

This exercise can be done standing or laying on your back. When laying down on your mat, lay on your back, folding your knees up, and from a laid position, you sit up and raise the kettlebell over your head. This helps tighten your core more than just doing a sit-up. This exercise is great to tone your abs and trim that excess fat that is so hard to get rid of in a shorter period of time.

Swing with Side Kick

This exercise is very popular among dancers that need help with stability and extending their legs. Stability moves help work the entire body, including your core, which helps engage all of your muscles, so you won’t lose your balance. With this exercise, you extend one leg up in the air and are left standing on one foot, which requires a lot of strength. This type of resistance is a great way to build up the intensity and burn a lot of calories, plus it’s easy on the joints.

There are many variations that target specific areas, but if you want to focus on your core and get bikini-ready for this summer, then check out this full-body 8-minute kettlebell ab workout.

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