Keep Your Makeup Clean
Keeping your makeup brushes and makeup inside a clean space is vital and don’t forget that makeup expires. So make sure you jot down how long you’ve had makeup because the longer you have it, the more you expose your skin to bacteria. Eye makeup in particular can lead to skin and eye infections, so make sure you close the cap on your mascara to avoid any moisture to go inside and keep your face brushes as clean as possible.
Makeup Detox?
Getting a detox from your makeup bag is something that you should try at least one day of the week—the weekend for example. Over the weekend when you spend the day relaxing, running errands, or doing laundry, it might be a good idea to wash your face, apply moisturizer, and go au natural. You can also do some natural skin cleansers or do a face mask to help your skin out.
If you just can’t bear to be apart from makeup make sure you’re still protecting your skin. That means getting makeup that is good for your skin, such as mineral makeup or foundation that has ingredients that can help keep your skin looking light and healthy. Remember that removing your makeup before going to sleep with a gentle cleanser and using night cream also helps keep your skin hydrated and helps your body repair skin cells more efficiently while you sleep.