What’s the first thing you think of when someone tells you they’re doing a detox? Green juice? Well, you might be surprised to hear that there are many other ways you can detox. Here are some ways to avoid non-conventional ways to detox. Some of them are even free!
1. Get Plenty of Sleep
Here’s an easy one, not only do you get this one for free but it also feels great! Making sure you get your 7-9 hours of sleep every night is one of the easiest ways to keep your body at peak performance—and detox naturally. Your body cleans house and works on recharging your system while you sleep. Make sure to get some extra zzz’s, whenever you get a chance.
2. Water
Drinking a lot of water supports kidney and liver function, but make sure it’s purified water. Try to put a purifier or filter in your home if you possibly can. And to really give your system a boost, opt for alkaline water which is infused with minerals and electrolytes.
3.Mustard Bath
Bathing in mustard? This is a bizarre one! Who would have thought? Apparently, detoxing your body with a traditional English mustard bath is actually an ancient way to help stiff or injured muscles by warming and stimulating the body. Check it out!
4. Drink Some Greens
By putting the coffee aside, and fix yourself a cup of fat-blasting green tea! Green tea is extremely rich in catechins, a type of antioxidant that speeds the liver’s capacity for turning fat into energy and increases the production of detoxification enzymes in the body that can fight off cancer, according to a Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention report.
5. Beets and Asparagus
Adding beets and asparagus to your daily diet is a tasty, nutritious way to detox your body. Not only can they boost your energy and lower your blood pressure, but eating beets in the long-term can help you fight cancer, reduce arthritic pain, boost your brain as well as help you lose weight. Beets contain a unique mixture of natural plant chemicals (phytochemicals) and minerals that make them superb fighters of infection, blood purifiers, and liver cleansers. Asparagus also helps the body to detoxify the body, it can help you wage the anti-aging battle, protect you from getting cancer, help your heart to stay healthy, and is a general anti-inflammatory food. It’s also known to help with liver drainage, which might sound like a bad thing, but since the liver is responsible for filtering out the toxic materials in the food and drinks we consume, anything that backs up its drainage is not doing you any favors.
These are some great ways to detox your system and if you’re not a fan of green juices, these are some great options.