There have been incidents of surgeons leaving gauze and even scissors and other tools inside their patient’s bodies by mistake, but we believe this is the first a surgeon leaves his initials branded on someone’s organs. This was the case of Simon Bramhall, a UK surgeon who branded his initials on the organs of a man and woman undergoing transplant operations.

Normally, liver surgeons use an argon beam to stop livers from bleeding and it’s actually not harmful to mark a liver since the marks would eventually disappear. The only reason they found the markings was because the female patient’s liver was not functioning correctly and she needed a follow-up operation.
Bramhall pleaded guilty to assaulting both patients and was granted unconditional bail and will be sentenced on January 12, according to the Telegraph. The offense he was charged with was assault by beating since he deliberately marked the livers of patients who were unconscious and under anesthesia.