Daily Vitamina

Weights Or Cardio? Which One Will Help You Lose Weight Faster?

It seems like there are two types of people, people who lift weights and people who do cardio, but which one is better. It’s a question that’s been jogging people’s minds forever, which is why most people do both.

If you ask a bodybuilder to answer this question, he or she will tell you that you don’t need cardio to build muscle. Except that if you’re overweight, chances are that you will bulk up without losing any weight, which is why you need cardio.

Cardio helps with calorie loss, but you need weights to build lean muscle tissue, otherwise, if you just do cardio, you’ll be left looking soft and skinny fat. If you want that toned look, then you better start picking up some dumbbells.

Weight training makes you stronger and gives you the confidence to move faster and you feel lighter too. In addition, it helps remove that nasty intra-abdominal fat that sticks to your organs and affects your health.

Yet, going for a run, walk, or even doing Zumba is a great way to sweat and lose fat quicker if you’re overweight. It also helps stimulate your stress hormones and activates your happy hormones which is why it makes you feel so great when you workout. Cardio is also good for your heart, reduces obesity, high blood pressure, inflammation, strokes, and osteoporosis, but it doesn’t do it alone because weight-lifting or weight-training helps push out that fat making your muscles stronger.

As you can see, you need both. Unfortunately, there is no magic equation to quick weight loss, but it does take healthy eating and combination of cardio and weightlifting. Lucky for you there are many resources online that can help guide you in the right direction:

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