In fact, even if you do receive likes, you become dependent on them. Turns out you’re going to be depressed either way; receiving attention releases dopamine. You’re living on a double-edged sword, so it seems if you’re a Millennial.
Another reason for mental distress and depression to some is corporate life. Work culture puts a tremendous amount of pressure on Millennials suffering from depression. This is true, especially if they’re trying to get ahead on the corporate ladder. A person with depression might have a hard time thriving in this environment. The best way an employer can deal with this is first and foremost to communicate and establish a sense of being there.
The biggest challenge is conflict negotiation, and they often are unable to think for themselves. The over-involvement of helicopter parents prevents children from learning how to grapple with disappointments on their own. If parents are navigating every minor situation for their kids, kids never learn to deal with conflict on their own. Helicopter parenting has caused these kids to crash-land.
So what can you do? If you suffer from mental illness, it’s not something that will just go away overnight. There are many people the claim they suffer from depression and anxiety, but they’ve never been properly diagnosed. The best thing to do is to get professional help. Millennials are very tech savvy and there are many apps and online resources that are available for people with mental health issues, the key is to get the help you need and the sooner the better.