Improve Core Strength: Those that want a strong core can benefit from using weights. Doing front squats which involve a barbell held in front of your body can help you work towards building a six-pack and help you maintain good posture.
More flexible: By moving your body down into a squat you are not only building strength, but you’re also boosting your flexibility. Deep squatting helps increase the range of motion in the hip area.
Increased hormone release: Doing squats can take some serious effort and by doing these, they stimulate muscle-building hormones, such as testosterone and growth hormones.
Stronger lower body: Squats can help you build sexy legs in no time and also maintain a firm butt. Squats use almost every lower body muscle, so you’re really helping tone your lower body without the use of exercise machines.
More efficient workout: Introducing heavy squats into your routine can replace long hours on cardio machines at the gym. Squats help increase your heart rate and leave your legs sore from the tough workout and it won’t be long before you start seeing results.
Check out this squat workout video for beginners, it will help you build stronger legs and firmer butt: