Daily Vitamina

Can Yoga Help You Get Rid Of Aches and Even Diseases?

Yoga is one of those workouts that people love because it makes them feel great. Doctors even encourage their patients to practice yoga because it helps them manage everyday aches and even prevent the development of certain diseases.


People with asthma have trouble breathing, especially when they do cardio like running. Yoga is gentler than other exercises and the inhaling and exhaling breathing techniques that people do along with the poses helps improve lung function and even reduce asthma symptoms. The sukasana pose seen below is great for people with asthma.


Yoga does not cure diabetes, but it does help the endocrine system. Certain asanas can help massage and tone the abdominal organs like the pancreas and liver, and help stimulates the nervous and circulatory system, which in turn helps control diabetes. It helps manage insulin and glucose levels among diabetics much better. Check out this half twist pose:


Heart Health

Yoga helps build a stronger cardiovascular health because when you do certain poses, it helps improve your heart rate, boost blood circulation, builds muscle and decreases inflammation. This bridge pose helps calm the brain and relieve stress.

Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is extremely common, especially for those that spend many hours of the day sitting. Many times all you need to relieve back pain is simple stretches because your muscles are very tight. Downward facing dog targets back extensors, which are the large muscles located in your lower back.

Liver and Indigestion Problems

Many people suffer from gastritis, indigestion, and even a fatty liver, which can be alleviated by doing poses that require twisting your abdomen. Twists squeeze your liver, which is responsible for detoxing your body.

Yoga can be a great addition to your workouts but always talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise routine. Also, make sure you continue to take your medication and follow your doctor’s recommendations because yoga does not cure diseases, it only helps prevent and improve symptoms.

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