Lifestyle Choices
When trying to get into shape, you also have to take your lifestyle into consideration. Activities such as smoking, drinking, sleeping, and stress all affect your body. Smoking presents numerous health risks — you can count an increase in visceral fat among them.
Sleeping too little, or too much can also cause you to gain more visceral fat. According to a 2010 study published in Sleep, researchers found that after five years of consistently getting less than six hours or more than nine hours per night resulted in greater abdominal fat in people younger than 40. Stress is also a reason men’s bellies become hard and fat. Too many bills or work deadlines can cause you to pump out the hormone cortisol, which is associated with visceral fat gain.
There are many factors you want to avoid to get rid of a pot belly. You can’t just change one thing and expect instant results. Forget the mirror and stay dedicated to a healthier lifestyle that suits you.