Drink Alcohol & Smoke
It’s o.k. to have a glass of wine with dinner, just not right before going to sleep. This disrupts your REM sleep or your deep sleep which helps you restore, instead it causes you to feel tired and unable to concentrate when you wake up. Smoking is no better since nicotine is a stimulant that can disrupt your sleep.
What you eat before you go to sleep can make a difference between having a good night’s sleep and having to get up in the middle of the night due to heartburn. Spicy and fatty foods can give you acid reflux, which can cause horrible heartburn that will keep you up. Make sure you stick to simple carbs like a glass of milk or light carbs.
Many times we can’t find a time during the day to workout, so we leave it until the home is quiet, late at night. This is really bad because when you workout you’re full of energy. Make sure you workout before 8 p.m. otherwise you’ll be too pumped up to get a good-night’s rest.
These are just a couple of things that can keep you up. Other things that can keep you up are: drinking lots of water, turning up the heat, taking a shower right before you go to bed, picking a fight, getting too excited about something and even sleeping with your pet. It may not seem like a big deal, but even the slightest distraction can make a difference in the quality of sleep you get every night. So, keep it simple and relaxed/stress-free before you hit the sack!