Hispanic moms are known to overprotective with their children, especially if those children are giving them grandchildren. They want to take care of them and want to give them all of the advice their mother’s gave them. While their advice may be very helpful, there are some things you could do that can help with the aches and pains of pregnancy. Prenatal yoga can benefit you greatly, after all this pregnancy is not just about the baby.
Benefits of Prenatal Yoga
One thing women have to remember is that just because you’re pregnant, doesn’t mean you have to stop doing everything you used to do prior to becoming pregnant. While there are many difficult pregnancies, one piece of advice that your mother and doctor will give you is to move and get some exercise.
Those who practice yoga know about the many benefits of yoga. For starters, yoga teaches you how breathe correctly. You learn about breathing through your nose, filling your lungs and exhaling, and making your stomach compress. These techniques will come in handy during labor because breathing lets you take control of things and it relaxes you. In addition, researchers have found that yoga helps the body deal with stress by slowing your heart rate and breathing, therefore lowering your blood pressure.
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Taking a specialized class like prenatal yoga also lets you be part of a community, where you will meet others that are going through the same thing you are. You can share stories, tips, and experiences, which will help you out emotionally during this pregnancy. Make sure you talk to your doctor first and tell her about what you’re doing. She might give you the following tips:
- Eat more: When you exercise you burn calories, so make sure you’re eating a little extra when you take a yoga class.
- Drink plenty of water: One of the first things doctors tell you is that you have to be well-hydrated because now you’re drinking for two.
- Don’t lie flat on your back: This puts pressure on your vena cava, a major vein that can reduce blood to your heart and can reduce blood flow to your brain and baby, making you feel dizzy or nauseous.
- Don’t overdo it: Raising your temperature over 102 for more than 10 minutes can harm your child. Make sure you cool down.
- Make it a habit: Don’t just say you’re going to try a yoga class and then forget about it. Continue doing it at least a couple of times a week.