Having severe asthma really limits everyday activities, which can be really frustrating. Many people suffering from severe asthma have to deal with persistent shortness of breath and even the inability to speak in full sentences. Many times regular asthma medications are not enough and they have to manage the severe symptoms when they can otherwise they end up in the emergency room. The good news is that bronchial thermoplasty, a non-drug treatment costing more than $20,000 is now being covered by most insurance providers.
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The FDA approved bronchial thermoplasty in 2005, but due to the high cost, most patients are not able to use this treatment. Asthma is a chronic inflammatory condition of the airways, where you get symptoms of breathlessness and wheezing. People who get severe asthma attacks have to worry about:
- Breathlessness even when lying down
- Persistent shortness of breath
- Bluish lips
- Agitation or confusion
- Inability to concentrate
- Hunched shoulder and muscles
It’s very frustrating and uncomfortable when the use of an inhaler is just not enough. Bronchial therapy is a treatment that improves asthma-related quality of life for people with severe asthma by reducing asthma attacks. Fewer asthma attacks means that people use less oral steroid treatments, which can have side-effects.