The first thing you should do is stick to a routine. Make sure all of the important meals like breakfast, lunch, and dinner are around the same time of the day. This creates a routine for both you and the child. Respect your child’s appetite and if he’s not hungry between meals, that’s o.k. Be careful that you’re providing healthy snacks in between meals and don’t let them fill up on drinks before meal times because that might be a reason why he’s not hungry.
Introduce your child to new foods. Take them with you when you go grocery shopping. Let it be a fun experience, let them pick out a new vegetable or new food that they find interesting. Encourage them by telling them that trying new things is fun. When it comes time to eat, make the new food the center of attention. If it’s a vegetable, make a dip or serve it in a fun way that your child would think is interesting. Whatever you do, don’t make special meals for your picky eater, make sure that you all eat the same thing and as a family.
Set a good example as a family and eat different types of food. Remember that you’re that child’s first role model, they look up to you and if they see you eating healthy or trying out new foods, they will follow in your footsteps. Dessert is an easy way to reward them for eating all of their food, but unfortunately this sends the wrong message. By rewarding them with dessert you are telling them that dessert is the best food and it might increase their love for sweets and junk food.
Having a picky eater is not easy, but with good communication and understanding you can little by little encourage your child to eat different things.