Daily Vitamina

Chia Seeds: The Good and the Bad

Chia seeds are super healthy, they are high in protein, fiber, calcium, have a great deal of antioxidants and omega-3s. Many of us incorporate them into our diets because they’re so good for you and they don’t really taste like anything when you add them to your food or drinks. Yet, if you don’t eat them the way you should, you might have a problem.

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Many people think that chia seeds can be eaten right off the bag you got them in, except you can’t. There have been cases where people ingested a tablespoon of chia seeds and then drank a glass of water. While it might seem like a good idea and a fast way to reap the benefits, this is not the correct way to eat chia seeds. If you do this you can experience intense dysphagia, which is difficulty swallowing and you can end up in the hospital and need to get the chia seeds surgically removed.


Chia seeds are known to help people lose weight. The correct way to eat chia seeds is to soak them in water, yogurt or any other liquid you want to add them too. Once they’re soaked, chia seeds expand and develop a gelatin coating, which actually helps them move easily through the digestive track. This also allows more omega-3 fatty acids to reach the bloodstream. There isn’t a restriction to how much chia you could eat, but it isn’t necessary to consume more than 20 grams of chia or 2-3 tablespoons daily.

Benefits of Chia Seeds

While there are many benefits, chia seeds can also have some side effects due to the amount of vitamins in them. If you eat too much they can lower your blood pressure or even thin your blood too much. Chia seeds can also cause gas and bloating. Always consult with your doctor, especially when you have a pre-existing condition.

Try This Recipe:  Cool Recipes: Iced Mint Tea With Chia Seeds

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