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Many men take pride in being able to grow a full beard. They take the time to trim it and to maintain it, and even keep a small comb in their back pocket to brush it. It’s that important to them. Now experts are claiming that beards are infested with bacteria that can easily spread germs and even trigger infections.
The cuticles of hair trap the germs and grease. A beard acts as an insulator, so when you sweat the hair traps dirt and bacteria. Many men have the habit of stroking or caressing their beard and when they do that and later shake hands or kiss someone, they’re transferring the germs. Beards also act as a net and capture crumbs and food that falls from your mouth, potentially adding more bacteria.
But it’s not all bad news. This is just a wake-up call to make sure you wash your beard frequently to avoid breakouts and the spread of germs. There are some benefits of having a beard.
It prevents cancer because as much as 95% of UV rays can be blocked by beards and the thicker the hair, the better the protection. While it makes you look more sophisticated and older, the full coverage prevents you from getting sun damage, so your skin looks younger, not to mention that it keeps your skin moisturized because the wind and cold air is blocked with your hairy face. Plus your hair produces sebum that comes from your sebaceous glands, it’s a waxy type substance that keeps your hair moisturized. If you have it on your face, then you could imagine it might have its benefits.