“This new campaign demonstrates the connection between how you feel when your digestive system is working well and your overall well-being,” said Jeffrey Rothman, VP of marketing, The Dannon Company. “Like no one else in the world, Shakira’s performance illustrates how feeling good on the inside can help you feel wonderful overall.”
Filmed in Barcelona, the new ad, which begins airing globally on Sunday, March 16, features Shakira in a fantasy forest where she is showered with swirls of gold stardust and dances to express how good she feels inside. “I believe that feeling good on the inside is the key to personal well-being, and dance is one way to communicate that synergy of feeling good inside and overall well-being. Part of why I collaborated with Activia to make the new TV commercial is because I truly believe that taking care of yourself from the inside helps you unlock and express your well-being on the outside,” said Shakira.
Shakira’s new song “Dare (La La La)” will be included on her new album, “Shakira,” which launches on March 25th, and provides the soundtrack for the new global commercial. Shakira’s new album releases on March 25th 2014.