Evita Muñoz, also known as “Chachita” is known for her character starring alongside Pedro Infante in the movies: Nosotros Los Pobres, Ustedes Los Ricos, and Pepe El Toro. The 79-year-old actress was recently hospitalized for pneumonia. It’s reported that even though her health is delicate, she is stable. Pneumonia can be a serious health issue, and even though it can be treated, many times it’s fatal.
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Pneumonia is an acute infection of the lungs, which can affect just one lobe, the right, or left lung, the entire lung, or both. Our bodies are exposed to various germs and even chemicals, but when your immune system is weakened or you fall ill, your body can’t fight these viruses, which is when germs infect the lungs and cause an infection. Infected lungs leak fluids, shed dead cells, and your air sacs become clogged up and they can’t do their job of getting oxygen into the blood.