It’s summertime and you know what that means; school’s out, the sun is shining, and the kids are bored! Just because school is out of session doesn’t mean the summer can’t be engaging and fun for your kids. In fact, summer programs can be a great way to introduce your children to new hobbies and interests, lifelong friends, and a heightened self esteem.
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If you are at a loss for where to look for summer programs and activities, a great place to start is your own city parks website or YMCA. Most cities have extensive summer classes ranging from tennis lessons, kickball, swimming, basketball, soccer, to beekeeping.
For example, Stacey, a caregiver to her 4 and 6 year old nieces, says that they took a children’s yoga class at their local park last summer. Now, a year later, yoga is a part of their daily routine. Better yet, the majority of these programs are free or low cost. The YMCA, although a little higher in cost, boasts a professionally trained camp staff, and no shortage of friendships, swimming, and field trips.