Many times you meet people just once and they stick with you. Something similar happened with Selena Quintanilla, the Tex-Mex singer died 21 years ago and even though she died at the young age of 23, she’s impacted the lives of many artists. Some that had the privilege to meet her and others that simply fell in love with her music, her look and her contagious laugh and personality.
Demi Lovato
“Growing up, I loved Selena’s music…I was really young when she passed, so I didn’t know much about her until I got a little older, and when I saw the movie there was just some sort of connection…There is something about the movie that was really inspiring to me.”
Becky G
“Selena is one of my biggest inspirations. Beyond just her music, her way of being with her family and fans was so special and so relatable. Every show, interview, and song had something special. Something Selena. Thankful for the path she had created for young women like myself to be ourselves.”