Daily Vitamina

Mistakes That Cause You To Lose Muscle

One of the scariest things that can happen to you at the gym is blacking out and passing out after you’ve been lifting weights. This can happen when you’re so focused on losing weight and building muscle, that you forget about simple things like eating. Building muscle is not easy, so make sure you’re not making mistakes that can set you back and even make you sick.



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Protein is extremely important when you’re trying to build muscle. For someone who is thin that is looking to put on muscle mass, a 2,000 calorie diet won’t be enough. This is ideal recipe for losing muscle tissue and fat, since it causes the body to go into starvation-mode and starts shedding calorie-consuming muscle. The less protein you eat, the less time you give your muscles to recover after a workout.
Don’t over do it with the cardio. One of the first things people think about when losing weight is cardio. When you do it too often, too long or on an empty stomach, you’re burning way too many calories, so the calories that you need to build muscle mass are just not there.

We’ve all seen that guy at the gym that is doing 30 sets and reps to get the attention of people. He looks exhausted, but he keeps pushing himself because he has an audience. Don’t be that guy. More than 20 total sets per muscle group or more than 15 repetitions per set, might get your muscles swollen and inflamed, which is not muscle growth.

Most people like to see muscles in certain areas, so they train for those specific areas. You might see results for a while, but then it stops working, which is why you need to work all of your muscles. Failing to change your routine or add new challenges will also keep your muscles looking the same. 70% of your body’s muscles are located in your legs and back, so when you only train certain body parts, this will leave you with muscle imbalances that could lead to injury if you don’t do it the right way.

Other mistakes you could be doing is not drinking enough protein and carb shakes after a workout. Your body needs the nutrients to repair muscle and grow more of it. Sleep is also extremely important because that’s when your body repairs muscles. Make sure you’re getting at least 6 hours of sleep. Just like everything in life, you need a balance, so don’t over do it, take care of yourself and you’ll see a trimmer, more muscular body in no time.


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