Moms love taking photographs of their babies and capturing every sweet moment. Andrea Temarantz is no different than other moms that adore their sweet babies. While looking through some photos of her baby, the Arizona mother noticed something odd on one of the pictures she took of her son. She noticed something like a flash spot on her son’s Ryder’s left eye. Her motherly instincts made look into it and she’s very glad that she did because it turned out to be a rare form of cancer.
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At first she blamed her phone’s poor quality, but she is very glad that she didn’t ignore it because her child was diagnosed with retinoblastoma, which is a rare form of eye cancer. Ryder’s diagnosis was confirmed during his 4-month check-up. The child, who also has Down syndrome, was left with two options: removing the eye or getting chemotherapy, which could potentially put him at risk for developing another form of cancer.