Hola, amorcitos!
I have been so happy recently due to all of the sun I’ve been seeing on my daily walks and and through my windows in the morning. ¡Que bellísimo es tener el sol para levartarnos! Although I need my alarm clock, I usually wake up before it goes off.
My days have become much more invigorating too. I get up y como ya saben, I go for my walk con mis amigas around the park. I just heard about two filmmakers who made about a movie called “The Longest Swim” about one of the guys having diabetes and taking too much insulin. That’s so scary! In the movie, the young man has a seizure and his friend has to swim across the lake for help.
Las personas con diabetes tipo 1 tienen ese peligro en tomar demasiado insulina. Se baja la azucar muchísimo and seizures can happen. That has never happened to me. Anyway, that is what we talked about.
There was also a study about sleep and melatonin, the hormone released while we get into deep, deep sleep in the middle of the night. This hormone helps to keep our bodies synchronized and it is being researched whether or not the tie of low melatonin levels raising the risk for Type 2 diabetes. Dicen que estudiaron mujeres y como dormían, que comían y también la historia de la salud de sus familias. Encontraron que las mujeres con niveles bajas de melatonin tenían un riesgo más grande desarrollar la diabetes Tipo 2.
Pero, ¿saben qué? You can get a great night’s rest if you exercise! Como los niños, cuando corren por donde quiera y luego se cansan y se quedan bien dormidos, that’s what you should do. Now that the sun is out, you can go outside! Walk around instead of staying in the office at lunch. Go for a walk. Now they’re saying that sitting is the new smoking. ¡Uy! Si uno se sienta mucho, eso puede causar más problemas de la salud.This is why sleep and deep sleep is so important to humans. I mentioned this before and the link to heart disease as well. Researchers think that melatonin impacts the pancreas’ ability to produce insulin. They have also said that irregular sleep patterns, sleep apnea and bad sleeping conditions also increase a risk for Type 2 diabetes.
So when you think about it, get up and stretch, walk or dance! If you can go for a walk and tire yourself out, you’ll have a better, longer sleep and prevent future problems.
Hasta la próxima, ¡amorcitos!
Tía Betty