With the holidays right around the corner, the weather dropping and getting out of work when it’s dark…it might make going to the gym a little harder. You are not alone because most people are in holiday-mode already and since there are so many temptations at holiday parties and events, who needs working out until after the New Year, right? Not exactly, there are plenty of workouts that you can do at home and some that don’t even require running.
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Reverse Lunges
Start by taking a big step back with your left foot. Bend both knees to lower into a lunge, making sure your right knee is above your ankle and that it doesn’t go too far beyond you toes. Drive off the ball of your right big toe to get back up. Repeat, do 10 reps.
Squats with Arms Up
Stand with your feet hip width apart and put your arms over your head. Bend your knees and shift your weight back like if you were sitting on a chair. Make sure you pull your should blades down and back. Hold for a couple of seconds then use your glutes to stand back up. Do ten reps.
ALSO: Five Ways to Find More Time to Exercise