When we think of bullying we immediately think of children and teens getting bullied at school. It’s something that is more prominent in today’s society, especially cyber bullying. There are many ongoing efforts to stop bullying because bullying hurts a person’s self-esteem and could cause depression and even suicide. It’s a serious matter and many times bullying can start at home.
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Parents often make excuses for their children’s behavior, especially when children become unmanageable and abusive to them. Technology has given children a lot of liberties and many children bully their parents, they act inappropriately, disrespectful and even blackmail their parents into getting them what they want.
In an interview with Psychology Today, Sean Grover, author and a New York psychotherapist wrote the book, When Kids Call the Shots: How to Seize Control from Your Darling Bully, he explains how parents can take charge again and restore positive parent-child relationships.