September 8 is National Donate Your Hair Day for cancer. Selena Gomez has teamed up with Pantene Beautiful Lengths Fund, which encourages people to donate at least 8 inches of hair, but if you don’t you can still help by donating $8 to the campaign. With the help of social media and using the #8or8 and #BeautifulLengths hastags, you can also help raise awareness for this great cause.
Pantene has partnered with the American Cancer Society’s Wig Bank, which is in charge of making and distributing free wigs for cancer patients that have lost their hair due to rigorous chemotherapy and radiation treatments that causes hair to fall off.
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With chemotherapy you can begin to lose your hair gradually or in big clumps, which is a very difficult thing. Chemo targets rapidly diving cells, which includes both healthy and cancer cells. Radiation on the other hand only causes hair loss on the particular part of the body treated. Only brain cancer causes complete hair loss.