Daily Vitamina

The Effects of Smoking and How to Naturally Cleanse Your Lungs


Smoking is an expensive addiction, but what most people that smoke don’t know is the many effects it has on the body. If you’ve recently quit smoking, this is great news because the longer you keep smoking, the bigger the health risks:

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Foods That Help Reverse the Damage

People are often motivated to quit smoking by either the physical or internal health problems that you develop when smoking. If you recently quit smoking, tell your doctor because he can assess the damage that smoking has taken on your body. Fortunately, there are ways that you can clear your lungs naturally. You can begin by doing breathing exercises regularly to strengthen your lungs. You can also eat different types of food that can help you, such as:


NEXT: Achy feet, Numbness and Cramping Could Mean You Have Clogged Arteries



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