During the summer we go the extra step to keep our hair looking soft and hydrated, but it seems that once summer is over we forget about it. This time of the year, the first cold winds and rainy days after summer can affect our scalp more than we think and this has direct consequences in our hair, such as dandruff, dryness, and dirty pores that prevent hair from growing. So, let’s talk more detail about the scalp and how to take good care of it.
Dryness: During the summer we have to worry about keeping hydrated and drinking water, but during the fall when it’s no longer that warm we forget about how important hydration is. Some people may think that this is only to keep our body skin healthy but the truth is that under our hair you can find more sensitive skin, which needs to be taken care of too. Even if you have a lot of hair, this doesn’t mean that your scalp is protected, so you have to drink as much water as you do in summer if you don’t want to get dandruff.