Daily Vitamina

Train Like An American Ninja Warrior By Doing Plyometrics

One of the hottest shows of the summer is American Ninja Warrior, where people compete excruciatingly difficult obstacle courses in order to get that title. Most of these athletes train at home where they build difficult obstacle courses, focusing on Plyometrics or jump training in order to be successful on this competition.

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Plyometrics is a high-intensity jump-training workout that gets your heart rate up and helps you burn tons of calories while waking up various muscle groups and strengthening your bones. A plyometric circuit that lasts 40 minutes, 20 minutes of stretching, warming up and cooling down and 20 minutes of Plyometrics can burn up to 1,000 calories. Can you see why this training is necessary?

Where to Begin?

Some of the most popular Plyometrics workouts are the Insanity Beachbody workouts. If you’ve never done this type of workout before you know it’s absolutely crucial to do warm ups and stretching in order to get your body warm and flexible. Here are some of the basic Plyometric workouts:

Jump Squats

Begin with your feet wide apart, lower into a squat and put your arms behind your head. Push your hips back and keep your weight on your heels. Push off the balls of your feet and jump, without moving your hands behind your head. Land softly on the balls of your feet. Repeat for 45 seconds, and then rest for 15.


Push-Up and Pop-Ups

Begin in high plank, with your hands directly under your shoulders and legs extended. Lower into a push-up, then press back up to the starting position. Jump both of your feet forward so that they’re behind your hands. Shift your weight forward and jump your feet back so you return to plank position. Repeat for 45 seconds, and then rest for 15.

ALSO: 5 Total Workout Moves That Fit Your Busy Lifestyle

Lunges with Hops

Step back with your right foot and lower into a reverse lunge. Shift your weight one your left leg. In one movement, rise up, bring your right knee forward, and jump lifting your right knee to hip level. Land lightly on your left foot and step your right leg back into a lunge. Repeat for 45 seconds, then rest for 15. Then switch sides.

Check out this Fat Burning Plyometric Workout!



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