After a summer vacation, it is time for children and teenagers to return to school. The excitement of reuniting with friends fills little ones with joy and enthusiasm. However, with return to school, there is a risk of viruses and infections.
Parents must keep a close eye on their children’s health. Schools also have a vital role in ensuring their students’ safety. And teachers must educate their students about the importance of good personal hygiene. It is usual for children to contract diseases easily up to 12. Their immune system has yet to develop fully. These are the 10 most common contagious diseases:
1️⃣ Measles. Caused by a virus, it usually manifests on the inside of the mouth, cheeks, and palate. Over days, it spreads to other body parts, such as the face and neck. Symptoms: rash, fever, sore throat, white patches inside the mouth, and muscle pain.
2️⃣ Gastroenteritis. Inflammation affects the gastrointestinal tract, which includes the stomach and small intestine. Symptoms: diarrhea, vomiting, cramps, and abdominal pain. In case of infection, it is essential to keep the child hydrated.
3️⃣ Head lice. It is widespread for your child to catch head lice. And even more so if many children surround them. Symptoms: these parasites are annoying and cause a lot of discomfort. They are especially attracted to clean hair. There are many products on the market to get rid of them quickly.
4️⃣ Conjunctivitis. This disease is if the child has a red sclera (white part of the eye) or the lower edge of the eyelids. The spread occurs when the transparent membrane covering the eyes and eyelids becomes inflamed due to an infection or irritant. Symptoms: watery eyes and eye discharge.
5️⃣ Chickenpox. This virus has rashes on the skin and the presence of fever. Symptoms: the first symptom to appear: blisters on various areas of the body. Subsequently, the child will have itching, high fever, vomiting, nausea, and loss of appetite. It is a highly contagious disease.
6️⃣ Bronchitis. Inflammation of the bronchial tubes occurs when there is a connection between the trachea and the lungs. Symptoms: shortness of breath and constant coughing. It is also general malaise and occasionally a fever. Like other diseases mentioned above, bronchitis is quite contagious.