Daily Vitamina

5 Exercises That Get Rid of Back Fat!

Losing back fat is no easy task and it’s not really something that happens overnight. It takes hard work because it’s years of excess body fat and muscles that have lost their strength. Many times people go to the gym and they do cardio because they want to lose weight fast and they will lose the weight, but unless they do some resistance training they might not get the smooth back they want.

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What can you do?

In order to burn calories and fat, you’re going to mix up your workout regimen that sheds off fat and helps build muscle. People get discouraged easily because they want to see results right away, but you have to remember that muscle has to push through layers of fat before you start noticing results. Be patient and you will see results. Start with these:

More cardio

There are many forms of cardio, from running, walking jogging, jumping rope, etc. In order to get rid of back fat, you’re going to have increase the time and intensity of your cardio workout. That way you’ll see the fat melt away and your muscles get stronger.


This is very good for your back. You can lie on your stomach on the floor and engage your back by lifting your arms up. When you plank, you can feel your back getting stretched out and your core getting strong.



Pushups are great for your arms and chest, but when you get lower into the contracted position, you’re engaging your back and using your body weight to gain muscle. Hold your position at the bottom for a couple of seconds and then push back up to make your muscles work harder.


There are a variety of ways you can use dumbbells to your advantage. You can do dumbbell press, hammer rows, dead lifts, opposite toe lifts and many others. Check out this video:

At the Gym

There are a couple of machines you can use at the gym that will make your back muscles stronger. You can take a spinning class where you can use an upper body bike, which makes you push up hard, waking up your back muscles. The rowing machine works your back great because you are using your whole body, especially your arms and back strength.

5 Reasons To Start Planking

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