Daily Vitamina

Are You Dehydrated?

Extreme close up on beautiful mouth tongue out

When it comes to drinking water, many people have a difficult time because it doesn’t have any taste to it. This is a problem because you become dehydrated. According to a recent study from Harvard, researchers found that nearly half of the kids they studied were not drinking enough water. Adults aren’t doing a better job either at keeping hydrated, which is why we should listen to our bodies and drink up when our bodies are sending signs of dehydration.

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Signs of Dehydration

Most adults should drink 6 to 8 ounce glasses of water per day. Depending on your weight, you may need more water and there’s an easy way of calculating how much water you really need. You multiply your weight by 0.5 and that should calculate how many ounces of water you need each day. Depending on how much you exercise will also affect the amount of water that you should be drinking. You have to remember that when you exercise you sweat, so you’re losing water. It’s recommended that you drink 12 ounces of water for every 30 minutes you work out. Being dehydrated all the time can also have long-term effects, such as dry skin, which can cause wrinkles–not to mention that you can strain your vital organs that need water to function.

NEXT: Why Am I Retaining Water?

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