Eating properly definitely helps your waistline and can help prevent chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes. Surprisingly, it can also greatly improve some forms of eczema.
What are the different types of eczema?
Eczema or dermatitis is a group of potentially chronic skin conditions which can affect people of all ages. There are many different types of eczema.
- Atopic eczema- most common form of eczema. There is no specific outside trigger which can cause bouts.
- Allergic contact dermatitis- Develops when the body’s immune system reacts against a substance in contact with the skin.
- Irritant contact dermatitis- This type of eczema is caused by frequent contact with everyday substances, such as detergents and chemicals, which are irritating to the skin.
- Infantile seborrheic eczema- also known as cradle cap, affects babies under one year of age. Does not cause discomfort and clears off in a few months.
- Adult seborrheic eczema- resembles a mild case of dandruff. May require anti-fungal cream if the condition becomes infected.
- Varicose eczema commonly affects the skin around ankles due to poor circulation. Can cause an ulcer if left untreated.
- Discoid eczema- appears suddenly as a few coin-shaped areas of red skin, normally on the trunk or lower legs. They become itchy and can weep fluid. Usually treated with emollients and steroid creams if necessary.
What are the symptoms and treatment of atopic eczema?
Atopic eczema affects people of any age and accounts for more than a third of all eczema patients. It is characterized by unbearable itchiness. It is in many cases an inherited skin condition which is closely linked with asthma and hayfever.
Common Symptoms
- Extreme Itchiness
- Skin dryness
- Redness
- Inflammation
- Constant scratching makes skin particularly prone to infection which may cause it to crack and weep (wet eczema)
Treatments include emollients to maintain skin hydrated and steroids to reduce inflammation.
Can eczema be improved or alleviated by diet changes?
Although some adults report having worse eczema symptoms after eating certain foods, studies are still underway to find a direct link between the two. However, it is believed that people may have individualized reactions to specific food.
Atopic eczema can sometimes be caused by food allergens, especially before the age of one. Some studies of children and young people with atopic eczema found that one-third to nearly two-thirds also had a food allergy. Food allergies associated with eczema are:
•Dairy products
•Nuts and seeds
•Soy products
Moreover, histamines, natural substances released by the body in times of stress or allergies are also present in many foods. These are also suspected to promote food allergy symptoms and thus have been linked to eczema flares.
If you suffer from eczema and suspect that you may have a food allergy, your doctor can diagnose this by performing skin prick tests and blood tests. However, a food challenge is the only way doctors can tell for sure if a food allergy is an eczema trigger. This procedure takes place in a doctor’s office or hospital. During your visit, you eat a suspicious food and doctors watch for signs of eczema, like redness or weals.
What foods can help?
Probiotics are a type of live bacteria. They are found in foods like yogurt and as a natural supplement. Most of the studies on the effects of probiotics on eczema were done in other countries and tested different kinds of probiotics. So it is not clear what type of probiotics are most useful.
Another food being studied as a benefit for eczema is tea. A few studies suggest that drinking black, green, or oolong tea may help relieve eczema symptoms.
Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and fish oil, which help fight inflammation and they help maintain the skin moist and soft.
Other eczema-healthy foods:
- Banana: High in potassium, contains histamine-lowering nutrients, magnesium and vitamin C.
- Beef or chicken broth: Provides skin-repairing amino acid glycine
- Potato: Rich in fiber, potassium, vitamin C helps body neutralize its ph levels
- Green onions: Contain histamine-lowering, anti-inflammatory quercetin and a rich source of vitamin K, important for healthy skin
- Buckwheat: Gluten-free and contains quercetin to lower histamine and has strong anti-inflammatory effects
- Rice milk: Low allergy and low in chemicals and considered eczema safe
- Mung bean sprouts: Strong alkalizing (helps body neutralize its ph levels) food
The consensus thus far amongst researchers is that there is no magic formula nor diet that will surely cure eczema. However, the recommendation is to keep track of what you are consuming because in many cases avoiding certain allergens and making healthy choices has helped many eczema patients, and can make a difference in your condition.