Daily Vitamina

Eat Your High Blood Pressure Away!

A 2013 survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that 26.1% of Hispanics reported having high blood pressure and nearly 40% with high blood pressure were not taking medication that could lower their risk for heart attack and stroke.

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It’s important to visit your doctor regularly because you’ll never know if you have blood pressure otherwise. As you get older your chances for high blood pressure increase. Diet is extremely important when it comes to blood pressure because eating salty foods, which are high in sodium, can raise your blood pressure. Luckily there are ways to lower your blood pressure naturally.

ALSO: What Causes High Blood Pressure?

Foods That Lower Blood Pressure


This is the key ingredient for a great guacamole and it is loaded with mono saturated fats that increase the levels of good cholesterol in the body. They also have high levels of potassium and are rich in fiber, which keep you full longer and helps regulate and stabilize your blood pressure.


Spinach is loaded with lots of vitamins including potassium, protein, iron, calcium and many more. If you were to eat a spinach salad every day, you can significantly reduce your blood pressure in just a couple of weeks.


The potassium found in fruits and vegetables can counter the effects of sodium in the body. All you have to do is eat two bananas a day to lower your blood pressure, which sounds like a very sweet deal!


This is one of those vegetables that you need to incorporate as a snack or in a salad because it not only lowers your blood pressure, but it’s also a diuretic, which helps remove excess water from your blood. It also contains nutrients that can dilate the walls of blood vessels, which reduce blood pressure.


Last but not least, dark chocolate can help you lower your blood pressure. Seems unbelievable that something so sweet and delicious could be good for your heart, but yes, the higher the concentration of cocoa, the better. Cocoa is rich in flavonoids, which are antioxidants that aid blood vessel wall dilation and improves elasticity, which helps lower and regulate blood pressure.

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