Daily Vitamina

Mental Illness Apps At Your Fingertips

We live in a society where we go to sleep checking our social media feed on our cellphones and wake up to the sound of the phone alarm. So, why wouldn’t we use our cell to help with our mental health? We already track everything we eat, how many steps we take, so why not download an app that helps track and even treat mental illness…

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There are not just a couple, but hundreds of apps available on iTunes and Android that help with a variety of mental issues. There are so many different types of mental issues, such as mood swings, phobias, depression, eating disorders, anxiety attacks and many more.


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5 Apps That Can Help

  1. iSleepEasy ($4.99): A soothing female voice helps you relax and fall asleep with a number of meditations with different music or nature sounds. Developed by Meditation Oasis, it’s main goal is to get relaxed, clear your mind, and rest easy.
  2. WhatsMyM3 ($0.99): With this app you answer 27 questions. When you finish you receive an overview of your potential risk of anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder or Post Traumatic Dtress Disorder (PTSD) based on research published in the Annals of Family Medicine.
  3. Headache Diary Pro ($2.99): Many people suffer from migraines and this app helps you keep track of your headaches and migraines. It also helps keep track of the characteristics of your headaches, as well as what triggers them and even remedies. It can also generate detailed reports for your doctor.
  4. Phobia Free (Free): If you’re afraid of spiders, this app teaches relaxation using animations and demonstrations from a virtual therapist. It uses games featuring realistic spiders in every day situations to help you overcome your phobia.
  5. Panic Attack Aid (Free): Panic attacks can come at any time and for any reason. This app gives you instant relief by giving you breathing techniques and even distraction exercises to help you relax and get rid of that anxiety you get from a panic attack.

NEXT: Symptoms of Anxiety Attacks and What To Do

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