Daily Vitamina

Take Advantage of All The Health Benefits of Ice Water


With the hot weather finally here, it’s important to keep constantly hydrated. While drinking cold water feels refreshing, there are many health benefits of using cold water in different ways. From ice baths to beauty hacks, here are some ways to use ice and ice water not just to cool off, but to improve your health.

Weight loss

Drinking ice cold water can help boost your metabolism. In addition to this, drinking one 16 ounce glass of water can burn up to 17 calories!

Cold Showers

Taking cold showers and lowering your thermostat can also help aid in developing a faster metabolism. It also improves circulation, relieves depression, burns fat, improves sleep, and even improves fertility in men. Plus it’s the easiest way to get rid of a fever.

Masking Bitter Tastes

If you or a young one is required to take medicine that isn’t satisfying for the palate, try drinking ice cold water to temporarily numb the tongue and mask the taste of bitter medicines or foods.

Decrease Bruising

Using ice on a fresh bruise can help with decreasing the size and pain level of the bruise. The ice acts on the bruise by constricting the blood vessels, lessening the severity of the bruise and swelling.

Reducing Pores

A great way to tighten your pores is to use ice water. Simply use warm water while washing your face. The warm water will open the pores for a deeper cleanse. When you are done washing your face, rinse with cool or ice water to tighten the pores, and you will be left with less visible pores and glowing skin.

Wakes You Up

If you are feeling tired, a cup of ice water in the morning can help wake you up. You can also swap a cup of coffee for a splash of ice water to the face to help you feel more awake.

Removing a Splinter

Removing a splinter can be quite painful. If you submerge the affected area in ice or use an ice compress, this will help numb the skin to help the removal of the splinter be less painful.

Relieving Muscle Soreness

Ice baths can help you relieve soreness in your muscles after an intense workout. Like a bruise, the coldness will help constrict blood vessels and reduce inflammation. This helps your body warm the muscles, resulting in quicker healing.

When using any of these methods, be sure not to expose your skin directly to the ice or ice water for too long to avoid frost bite. Simply wrap the ice in a piece of cloth then apply to your affected areas. You can expose your skin to ice and ice water safely for up to 15 minutes.

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