Daily Vitamina

Switch to These Breads If You’re Trying To Lose Weight

Are you attempting to slim down for the summer? Do you want to give up your favorite sandwich bread in order to slim down for swimsuit season? Luckily, you don’t have to this year. Here is a list of loaves of bread that will help you take the guilt out of eating bread. It’s about time we switch over to healthier alternatives especially since the Hispanic community loves their bread.

Flaxseed bread

Flaxseed bread, have you ever tried it? It’s a fantastic bread that aids in weight loss and it’s an excellent source of manganese, potassium, and selenium. Flaxseed bread also contains essential fatty acids, dietary fiber, and phytoestrogens that will help boost your health.

Rye bread

Rye bread is easily one of the healthiest types of bread that you can eat daily without worrying about calories. Rye bread is absolutely wheat-free, and it can help relieve discomfort and bloating. Rye bread contains 20% fewer calories and four times the fiber than regular white bread. Consuming rye bread will keep you stay satisfied longer without adding calories.

Oat bread

If you thought about reducing your carbohydrate intake and your fat content too, opt for oat bread instead of regular white bread. Oat bread is a magnificent source of good carbohydrates that are much slower to digest and they also keep you full for longer periods of time.

Ezekiel bread

Our favorite bread is Ezekiel bread. Another healthy type of bread that aids in weight loss. It consists of barley, wheat, lentils, beans, spelt and millet. Ezekiel bread is high in protein and contains 18 amino acids. It has increased digestibility, increased absorption of minerals and many amazing benefits. Moreover, Ezekiel bread doesn’t contain added sugar.

Whole-wheat pita bread

Whole-wheat pita bread is the healthiest type of pita bread since it’s made with whole grains and contains lots of vitamins and minerals. Whole-wheat pita bread boasts a few powerful health benefits – it helps reduce your risk of cholesterol and high blood sugar. Whole-wheat pita bread contains fewer calories than whole wheat bread since most people eat just one piece of pita bread instead of 2 pieces of regular bread to make your healthy sandwich.

Whole-wheat bread

Although whole-wheat bread is a healthy type of bread you can eat daily, it can be difficult to find the right whole-wheat bread. Just because some companies label their bread with “wheat flour” and “wheat” doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re buying whole wheat bread. Before buying any whole-wheat bread, make sure you read the ingredient list.

Brown rice bread

Brown rice bread is also perfect for weight loss. It keeps you full, energetic, and it’s low in calories and sugar. Try eating brown rice bread with butter and fresh vegetables or low-fat cheese. If you stick to a very strict diet, consider having steamed or boiled vegetables with a few pieces of brown rice bread.

Gluten-free bread

Even though a gluten-free bread is a must for people who stick to a gluten-free diet, it’s also perfect for those who are trying to lose weight or simply want to eat healthier. Gluten-free bread is healthier than regular white bread, but many of them are processed so make sure you buy whole grain gluten-free bread.

Giving up bread can be a painful process, so don’t exclude healthy bread from your diet. Consider eating some of these healthy and delicious types of bread for weight loss to feel and look better.  Check out these breads and if you have a favorite, let us know.




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