Daily Vitamina

Worst & Best Foods For Hair

You may not know, but your hair is starving for the right foods! Instead of relying on chemical products such as shampoos, fix your hair problems by eating the right foods. Here are the best and worst foods you can eat to prevent hair loss and to keep your hair long, healthy, and shiny.thinning hair, hairloss

There are some things we just can’t control, such as genetics, age, hormones, nutrient deficiencies are more. Remember, what you put in your body affects your hair’s behavior. Just think about it, if you’re predisposed to thin hair, you wouldn’t want to make it worse by consuming the wrong foods. You want to keep what little hair you have left, right?

5 Things to make your hair better


Did you know that tangerines affect your hair in two big ways:

1.) The vitamin C content makes it easier for your body to absorb iron, such as from spinach.

2.) The vitamin B12 in tangerines promotes hair growth, reduces hair loss, and slows down the graying process.


Mineral deficiency is the main cause of hair loss in women. Iron deficiency is a reason for unhealthy hair. Spinach is rich in Iron and in vitamin A, which is a nutrient required to produce sebum. Sebum acts as a natural conditioner for hair and keeps it moisturized. Spinach also provides omega-3 acids, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and iron. They all help keep your hair beautiful and luscious. Most importantly, Spinach is just really great for you, as it a superfood that should be eaten every day.

Greek Yogurt

Yogurt is rich in protein and a great source of Vitamin B5, which is known as pantothenic acid. It helps with blood flow to your scalp and also promotes hair growth.


Fun Fact: Omega-3’s are anti-inflammatory. They can help you if you have inflammation that causes hair shedding. It’s best to get omega-3’s from natural sources, such as salmon and cold-water fish such as sardines and mackerel. Salmon helps with hair growth, as well as keeps your hair shiny and full.


Lentils are not only delicious, they’re also very healthy! They’re full of iron, zinc, biotin and they also have plenty of folic acids. The body needs folic acid to restore the health of red blood cells that supply skin and scalp with hair-improving oxygen.

5 Things That Are Awful For Your Hair


Wait, what?! Aren’t fatty fish like salmon and tuna-rich in omega-3s and at the top every must-eat list? Only to a point. Some fish contain high levels of mercury, which can lead to hair loss– given in high doses. Mercury disrupts protein development and affects your absorption of zinc (which is essential to keratin formation)—all of this interferes with the growth process. Steer clear of swordfish and mackerel (both have high mercury levels), and don’t forget to choose the “light” varieties of canned tuna, salmon, and shrimp to keep your mercury consumption down. According to the FDA, as long as you eat no more than 12 ounces weekly and get your sushi fix fewer than four times a week, your health and your hair will stay out of trouble.

Processed Sugars

Processed sugars are bad for your skin and hair. No surprise there. Sugary foods like your favorite candy and cupcakes cause insulin levels to rise, which causes a male hormone to increase. Androgen, in high levels, produces unwanted hair growth in women. It also is known to irritate and shrink hair follicles. Irritated hair follicles do not produce long, strong hair.

Juice Cleanses

When you’re on a juice cleanse, you’re on an all-sugar, no-protein diet. In other words, you’re spiking your insulin and androgen levels (which usually leads to hair thinning and loss). All that sugar is creating a great deal of inflammation in your body—which isn’t good for anything, hair included.

Low-Protein Foods

Your hair is made of proteins, which is needed to grow healthy and long locks. Starches like white bread, pasta, and a lot of cereals can be low in protein, which will leave your hair limp and unhealthy. These foods also tend to be high on the glycemic index, and high sugar and low protein are not a good combo. That bounce and shine you want are impossible without a healthy dose of protein.

Vitamin A

Chances are your diet isn’t abnormally high in vitamin A, but if you’re taking multivitamins or a vitamin A supplement, you may want to rethink that. While generally a good nutritional addition, vitamin A is toxic to hair follicles in high doses. An overload of Vitamin A will shrink your oil glands to the point that they’re no longer producing the amount of oil necessary to nourish your strands, leading to hair loss.





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