Daily Vitamina

Tips To Avoid Heartburn During the Holidays

It seems like everywhere you look there’s a constant reminder that the holidays are just weeks away. During this time most of us look forward to hosting or getting invited to holiday parties where there’s tons of food and drinks that are just too hard to resist. It’s the perfect time to forget about your diet and indulge is delicious entrees, desserts, and even festive drinks that leave you with the dreaded heartburn.celebrating at holiday party

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease, approximately 20% of Americans have gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), which is the most common symptom of heartburn.

Kari Kooi, a registered dietitian at the Houston Methodist Hospital explains how you can avoid this unpleasant sensation and still enjoy the holiday festivities:

Skip the After-Dinner Mints – Peppermint relaxes the muscles between the stomach and esophagus, which can allow stomach acid to flow back into the esophagus. While reflux triggers vary from person to person, other common triggers include tomato-based products, citrus fruits and juices, spicy cuisine, high-fat foods, chocolate, alcohol and caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea and soda.

Chew Gum – Popping a piece of sugar-free gum into your mouth after eating can alleviate reflux because chewing gum stimulates acid-neutralizing saliva production. The more frequent swallowing that chewing gum encourages helps to quickly clear acid from the esophagus. Steer clear of mint-flavored gum and choose fruit or cinnamon-flavored gum instead.

Enter “Rest and Digest” Mode – Stress runs rampant during the holiday season, and stress can exacerbate acid reflux. “Fight or flight” mode is the body’s reaction to stressful situations while “rest and digest” mode activates calmness and promotes proper digestion of food, which reduces the risk of reflux. Taking a few slow, deep rhythmic breaths before eating a meal is a powerful strategy for eating in a relaxed state. Cultivating mindfulness by eating slowly and being fully aware of the present moment can also help you access “rest and digest” mode.

Take a Short Walk – While it’s tempting to lie down after indulging in holiday fare, the best thing for preventing reflux is a post-meal walk to help gastric juices to flow in the proper direction. Wait at least two hours after eating before laying down to allow time for food to go down and practice portion control techniques such as eating from a smaller plate, as overeating is a major trigger for reflux.

For more information about Houston Methodist, visit houstonmethodist.org.



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