Daily Vitamina

Pokemon Go Is Getting Kids Outside & Exercising!

The Pokemon "Pikachu" is seen at the amusement park in Tokyo, July 13, 2016. (Photo by Hitoshi Yamada/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

The new Pokémon Go app has captured the hearts of children and adults. It has also captured their legs. Pokemon Go has led to exercise and people are starting to notice. The game encourages users to walk around searching for fictional creatures.

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“On Saturday night, my girlfriend and I snuck away from the cocktail reception at a charity dinner because “Pokémon Go” informed us there might be a Pikachu nearby, and we were on the hunt,” said John Hanke, CEO of Niantic, Pokémon Go developer during his interview with Business Insider.

It is motivating people, from being indoors all day to becoming modern day explorers. 

According to the US News, “If the trend persists, the app can be “revolutionary” as 37.9 percent of adults over the age of 20 are obese as of 2013.” This would be unreal if the percentage were to drop due to a mobile game. 

John Hanke the CEO of Niantic, had three goals in mind when building Pokemon Go:

  1. Exercise: A lot of fitness apps come with a lot of “baggage” that end up making you feel like “a failed Olympic athlete” when you’re just trying to get fit, Hanke says. “Pokémon Go” is designed to get you up and moving by promising you Pokémon as rewards, rather than placing pressure on you.
  2. To see the world with new eyes: The game is intended to “give you a little nudge” toward cool and interesting things in your neighborhood by turning real-life landmarks and historical sites into Pokéstops and gyms where players power up and battle. By encouraging exploration, “Pokémon Go” can “make your life better in some small way,” Hanke says.
  3. Breaking the ice: All over the world, players are organizing “Pokémon Go” outings, cruising around their area, and trawling for Pokémon. At higher levels, players need to team up with fellow players to conquer those gyms. This is by design: Hanke describes “Pokémon Go” as an “icebreaker” that “gives people a reason to spend time together.”

The game not only instills fitness, but it also makes you experience the world by exploring new parts of a neighborhood or city you never knew existed. It also let’s you meet new people when they’re also searching for Pokemon. Just be safe because there have been several cases of people getting lured and put in dangerous situations. So if you’re sitting around like I am at the moment, don’t forget… There are Pokémon to go search for. 

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