Daily Vitamina

No More Jiggly Arms!

One of the benefits of living somewhere where it’s cold in the winter is that you don’t have to worry about short sleeve shirts and jiggly arms until the summer. But, it’s still a good idea to work on this problem area during the winter, so that when the warm winter months get here, you’ll be ready with beautifully toned arms.

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We know it’s hard to get to the gym and sometimes you just don’t have the time. This is why we put together a list of exercises that you could do at home with hardly any exercise equipment. For these exercises you will only use a mat and your own body to strengthen your arms. One thing is reading about it and another thing is actually seeing how it’s done, which is always more useful.


There are so many different types of planks and they are so popular because they strengthen your core, helps reduce back pain, makes you more flexible and they help tone your arms.


Many people love Pilates, others hate it because it can be very demanding. It’s not the type of exercise program where you’re jumping around getting hot and sweaty, but instead you are testing your concentration and helping your muscles get stronger when you hold each position, much like with yoga.


Dumbbell Workout

Many women don’t like using dumbbells because they think it will make their arms too manly. This is a myth and everyone should lift weights because it helps burn fat faster, not to mention that it helps your bones stay stronger.

Which one is your favorite? They’re all a little different, but they will all give you the results you need, which are sexy strong arms. These exercises can be incorporated into your regular workout or after. The best part is that you only need anywhere from 4 to 10 minutes on your arms to get the results you want. Have fun with and watch your jiggly arms get firm and toned in time for the summer!

NEXT: No Gym, No Problem!

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