A third of people in the U.S. are overweight and many people are taking the necessary steps to lose weight, mainly due to health reasons. There are cases where people lose 30, 50 or even 100 pounds, but when you lose so much weight, your skin becomes saggy. What can you do to tighten saggy skin?
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This is the million-dollar question because most people think that there’s nothing that they could do other than plastic surgery. There are things that you can do, but it’s important to be patient. Many get frustrated because losing a lot of weight takes a lot of hard work. Don’t get discouraged and stop your goal because of saggy skin, it’s part of the process and there are things you can do to get your skin nice and firm.
Slow down: One of the biggest mistakes people do is try to lose too much weight fast. Many times your body can’t keep up with how fast you are losing weight and it begins losing elasticity, which is how you get flabby skin.- Drink plenty of water: Keeping well hydrated not only nourishes your skin, but your overall health. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day because keeping well hydrated will help with the elasticity of the skin.
- Massages: Getting a massage or doing one yourself on areas where you have saggy skin at least once a week helps increase circulation, which is good for your skin. You can use essential oils like lavender or almond oil, which are great.
- Toning Exercises: Your stomach is probably the most noticeable part of your body where you will have the saggiest skin. Focusing on tightening your ab muscles found in your stomach can help with saggy skin. Exercises like crunches, leg raises, sit-ups, pelvic thrusts and side bridges can help define and tone this problem area.
- Moisturize: There are many moisturizers you can buy that help tighten skin, especially products with vitamin E, which will make your skin soft and firmer. Vegetable soaps are also great to use on your skin when you shower because they are rich in ingredients like Shea butter and other oils that help moisturize your skin when your pores are open.
Elasticity varies with age, so people that are older may take longer to get firm skin, but don’t give up. Take care of yourself and keep at it to get the results that you desire, but most importantly stay healthy.