Daily Vitamina

Delicious Zucchini Yucca Burger

Yucca is a staple in many Latin American dishes, from Colombia to Mexico. It’s a shrub that is similar to potatoes and it’s delicious as a side dish or as a vegetarian meal. Yucca is a plant that’s loaded with nutrients. Many people believe that the plant can lower blood glucose and even help control cholesterol levels. The best part is that it tastes great and there are so many ways that you can eat it.

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Zucchini Yucca Burger

2 zucchini, trimmed and sliced lengthways
1 lb. of yucca root, peeled and baked until soft
1 purple sweet potato or yam, also baked
¼ cup finely chopped leek
sesame seeds
1Tbsp of seasoning of your choice
1 tsp. mustard sauce
1 tsp. lemon juice
½ tsp. of black pepper


1-cup olive oil
2 tsps. Apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp. freshly chopped parsley
3 tsp. fresh thyme
2 tsps. Mustard
1 tsp. raw honey
½ tsp. black pepper
½ tsp. turmeric

First break up the yucca and sweet potato and smash it. Put it in a bowl along with the rest of the ingredients and mix well. Divide the mixture into even parts so that all of your burgers will be equal in size. Then grab the mixture with your hands and start forming the burger shape. Sprinkle both sides of your newly formed burgers with sesame seeds. Add oil to your frying pan and wait until it’s nice and hot. Cook your burgers until they have a nice crust. Whisk all of the ingredients for your dressing in a bowl, add salt and pepper until it’s just right. Once your burgers are ready wait for them to cool a little bit and then add the dressing over them. You can eat these burgers in a bun or as part of a salad, both options are delicious, enjoy!

ALSO, Try This: Easy Recipe: Heavenly Peach Avocado Salad


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