Daily Vitamina

The Many Health Benefits of Massage Therapy

Many people love massages and some have never received one. In the Latino community, massages are very popular. A lot of times we visit a sobandera if we have an achy back, if you twisted your ankle, or even if your child has diarrhea. Unfortunately, most of us don’t worry about our wellness as much as we should, but it’s important to make time for yourself and take advantage of the many health benefits of a massage.

Benefits of Massages

  1. Detoxifies. Massage therapy can stimulate the flow of toxic waste from your muscles, organs, and tissues for improved health and digestion. Your body has various pressure points from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. Massages like Shiatsu and Reflexology help heal specific parts of your body and organs, helping you get rid of toxins from your body.
  2. Prevents injury. Just like exercise is good for the body, so is massage therapy. When your muscles tense up, they pull the body out of alignment and limit circulation. Regular massages can increase circulation and relax the body to prevent chronic illnesses from taking over. It helps reduce your heart rate, helps lower blood pressure, and even boosts your immune system.
  3. Relieves pain. There is a reason why many older adults are always getting massages. They’ve lived longer and often have many aches and pains. Regular massages can increase mobility to the joints, help reduce arthritis pain, ease headaches, and help unwanted pain and tension go away.
  4. Mental health. The touch of another person’s hands on your body can do wonders for people with depression and anxiety. A massage affects the body’s biochemistry; it lowers your stress hormone, cortisol by more than 50%. Cortisol can increase your blood pressure, sugar levels, and suppress your immune system.
  5. They feel great. No matter what kind of job you have, more than likely there’s stress involved. There’s a lot of stress on your shoulders, back, and even feet if you’re standing for long periods of time. Massage therapy can stimulate blood circulation, increase oxygen, and allows your nutrients in your body to flow better through connective tissue and muscles. It also helps lubricate your joints for increased flexibility.

There are so many different types of massages, so visit your nearest spa or massage therapy center so that they could recommend one for your specific needs. A great massage can not only make you feel great but as you can see it comes with so many health benefits.

NEXT: Erase Age With Cosmetic Acupuncture

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