Your belly button can seem like it’s just a great place for belly button ring, but in reality, it’s one of the most important parts of our bodies. Studies show that this part of the body is full of nutrients and stem cells, it’s also very sensitive, an erogenous zone as it concentrates hundreds of nerve endings and it is also one of the spots where we can find most of the bacteria we have on our bodies.
According to the ancient Ayurvedic medicine from India, we can still reap the benefits from this part of the body as we grow older. Putting certain oils in our belly buttons can help us with different issues. You just have to dip a piece of cotton into the essential oil you need and rub it gently or just place it on or inside your belly button.
Here are some oils and their main benefits:
- Coconut oil: it is believed to help with fertility problems, it can be used on women as well as on men.
- Almond oil: placing some drops of almond oil can help enhance the skin of your face if you suffer from dry skin.
- Neem oil: this essential oil can help with acne and breakouts. It softens the skin but it is also beneficial for damaged hair.
- Mustard oil. This oil is thought to help with bones and joint pain. It can also be used as a pain reliever when suffering from back pain and to heal cracked lips.
- Lemon oil. It can help whiten teeth and fight cavities. It can also be used to get rid of facial pigmentation and blemishes.
- Although this is not an essential oil, Brandy is thought to help with menstrual cramps and pain.
So next time you begin to moisturize your body with these essential oils, don’t forget what just a drop in your belly button can do for your body.