Daily Vitamina

Health Benefits of Healing Stones and Metals

Beaded jewelry is very popular in Mexico and many Latin American countries. Everywhere you go, you’ll find street vendors selling bracelets made out of quartz, stones, and even certain metals that can help bring forth good health since many of these have healing properties. Check out what these beautiful pieces of jewelry can do for your health.

Amber: This gemstone comes in various colors, from honey to dark brown and many shades of yellow and orange. Amber is made from resin and it contains succinic acid, which is commonly used for pain relief and arthritis. It’s also good for the liver, gall bladder, stomach, intestine, and boosts your metabolism.

Amethyst: This quartz is a beautiful gem that comes in different shades of purple. Some amethyst crystals contain naturally occurring manganese and can help with, insomnia, blood circulation, stimulate the nervous system, and ease mental anxieties.

Emerald: This gemstone has a rich green color and it is one of the most attractive gemstones. Wearing emerald can help with speech and memory problems, insomnia, asthma, and cardiac problems.

Rock Crystal: This is called the rock crystal of spirituality and can amplify your focus and energize you. This stone can bring back lost memories, solve problems, intensify prayers, stabilizes blood pressure, brings oxygen to the  brain, and stimulates your immune system.

Copper: This mineral is often found in beautiful bronzed-colored bracelets. Copper is something that is found in many foods, but still, people can have a copper deficiency if their diet lacks foods containing copper, such as certain nuts, liver, red wine and chocolate. Copper jewelry can help those that have anemia, join problems, arthritis, and circulation problems.

Hematite: Magnetic hematite is often found in beautiful silver and black bracelets. This gemstone is said to bring inner peace and dissolve negative energy into love, but it can also cure blood pressure disorders and kidney problems. It can also help by healing pain, relieve cramps, headaches, and anemia.

Turquoise: This is a very popular stone among Native Americans, it has a rich blue-green color and it can be found in various pieces of jewelry. It dispels negative energy; it’s also a symbol of friendship and stimulates romantic love. In addition, it can enhance the immune system; it’s anti-inflammatory and even has detoxifying effects. It can also help purify lungs, sooth sore throats, and even heal cataracts.

These are just a couple of metals and stones that you can add to your jewelry collection that can help improve your well-being. These stones and metals should never replace your current treatment, always follow your doctor’s orders and medications if you suffer from any health issue.

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