Daily Vitamina

Beat The Summer Bloat By Doing This…

swollen feet

The hot weather can make you feel bloated. You may feel like your clothes feel tight, the straps on your sandals are making your feet swell, and the rings on your fingers won’t come off without soap and water. The heat can cause all these issues, which is why you have to make sure you’re taking the necessary precautions in order to beat the summer bloat.

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Water retention and dehydration are some of the biggest problems you face during the summer months.When it’s 90 or 100 degrees outside and you are exposed to that high heat, you are sweating and if you’re not drinking enough water, you become dehydrated.

When you become dehydrated your body begins to retain water and this creates excessive buildup of fluid in the circulatory system, body tissues, or cavities of the body causing you to feel bloated.

We already know that we have to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, but there are other things that you can do in order to stop retaining water and beat the bloat.

  1. Eat fresh: Eating fruits and vegetables is the best thing you can do for your overall health. They are packed with antioxidants that can help you get rid of that excess fluid.
  2. Eat less salt: Cut down on salty foods that are packed with sodium, which draws water into the body.
  3. Take vitamins: Taking calcium and magnesium supplements help with fluid retention and bloating.
  4. Choose beverages carefully: People that are used to having several cups of coffee a day know that coffee is a diuretic. In the summer consuming too much coffee can dehydrate and worsen water retention. Same thing goes for alcohol and sugary drinks.
  5. Work out: Taking some time to work out is a great way to stay slim, plus when you break a sweat, you release water by sweating and not feel bloated. Remember to limit your exercise outside, especially during peak hours when the sun is blazing.
  6. Eat parsley: This delicious herb is not only good for garnish. Chop it in a salad or add it to your meals. It not only helps cleanse your blood, but it removes toxins out too.
  7. Take breaks: Make sure you take breaks during work, especially if you’re sitting at a desk all day. Walk around, get moving and put your feet up to increase circulation and eliminate water retention.
  8. Ginkgo tea: This tea has no caffeine and it helps reduce bloating, plus it’s good for your memory.
  9. Add more potassium: When your potassium is low, your body retains extra sodium causing you to retain water. Eat bananas, mushrooms, fish, and tomatoes.
  10. Relax: Stress can contribute to bloating, so make sure you take it easy and spend some time unwinding after work.

Beat The Bloat With These 5 Roots & Spices

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